Imprint, privacy Policy, Disclaimer
1. Information according to § 5 Digital Services Act
Name of the provider:
Legal form, registration, and location:
CONTEK IBC Service GmbH is a limited liability company (GmbH) under the provisions of the GmbH Act, located in Ellrich, registered in the Commercial Register of the Jena District Court under number HRB 403541.
VAT Identification Number (§ 27a of the VAT Act):
DE 176 828 384
Authorized representative:
Managing Director: Eycke-Christian Dörre
Postal address:
Harzstraße 12, 99755 Ellrich, Germany
+49 (0) 36332 2890
2. Further Information
(Information according to § 2 of the Service Information Regulation:)
Our General Terms and Conditions (AGB) apply to the services we provide. We will be happy to send our AGB, privacy conditions, and privacy policy upon request via email.
3. Liability
We are responsible for the content of our websites in accordance with the general laws. All content is created with due care and to the best of our knowledge, and is intended for informational purposes only. If we provide links to third-party websites via hyperlinks on our websites, we cannot guarantee the continued accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the linked content, as these contents are outside our control and we have no influence on their future design. If you believe that any content violates applicable law or is inappropriate, please inform us.
The legal notices on this page, as well as all questions and disputes related to the design of this website, are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.
4. Data Protection
We will be happy to send our privacy conditions and privacy notices upon request via email.
5. Copyright Notice
The texts, images, photos, videos, or graphics on our website are generally protected by copyright. Unauthorized use (including reproduction, modification, or distribution) of these copyrighted materials is prohibited. If you intend to use these contents or parts thereof, please contact us in advance using the above contact information. If we are not the copyright holders of the necessary usage rights, we will make efforts to connect you with the rightful owner.
6. Readability
To improve readability of the texts on our websites, we generally use the generic masculine form (i.e., the male form). However, unless otherwise indicated, all formulations are intended to be gender-neutral and comprehensive.